Krolikowski quoted in ‘Nature’ on moon mission policy

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On April 4, 2023

Woman standing at podium giving a presentation.

Dr. Alanna Krolikowski presents at the Royal Society in London.

Dr. Alanna Krolikowski, assistant professor of political science, was quoted in Nature on international efforts to govern missions to the moon after presenting on the topic at the Royal Society in London and the University of Oxford.

Krolikowski’s presentation remarks were quoted to the British Royal Society, the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, at a meeting on science from the moon. On the same trip, she also presented on China’s lunar program and its implications at the University of Oxford’s China Centre with her research collaborator, Dr. Martin Elvis, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Krolikowski’s research on science and technology policy focuses on the development of international rules to manage the exploitation of resources found on celestial bodies, such as lunar water and asteroidal platinum, and on the U.S. and Chinese innovation systems.

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On April 4, 2023. Posted in Accomplishments