The Intelligent Systems Center (ISC) will host a talk by Dr. Bruce McMillin, professor of computer science, director of the Center for Information Assurance and co-director of the Center for Smart Living, at noon Friday, Feb. 11, via Zoom. Use Meeting ID: 935 6885 0957, Passcode: 279607. Dr. McMillin will talk about his experience on the leadership team of the Future of Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) system.
His talk, titled “How to ERC,” refers to the NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) program that was established in 1984 to build complex research centers emphasizing system aspects of engineering with strong industrial collaboration and that contain a strong education component. Successive generations of ERCs have been credited with upholding those principles while also increasing diversity and inclusion, an innovation ecosystem and emphasizing convergent research.