You’ll have two opportunities to get to know Dr. Jason Trembly, a finalist for the position of founding director of S&T’s Kummer Institute Center for Resource Sustainability. Trembly is the Russ Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment at Ohio University.
At 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 25, in the Silver and Gold Room of the Havener Center, Trembly will present his vision and philosophy for establishing and advancing the center. In-person seating is limited to 15; the seminar will also be accessible via Zoom.
An open forum and question-and-answer session with Trembly starts at 11:15 a.m., also in the Silver and Gold Room of the Havener Center. In-person seating is limited to 15. To participate via Zoom, enter 956 3186 3283 for the meeting ID, followed by passcode 148142.
Please contact Abigayle Sherman with any questions.