Graduate Faculty Council awards go to faculty and staff

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On July 6, 2021

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Missouri S&T’s Graduate Faculty Council has announced the winners of its annual awards: Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Studies Award for faculty and Graduate Staff Excellence Award.


The nominees for the Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Studies Award are:

  • Dr. Barry Flachsbart, professor emeritus of business and information technology, who passed away May 25, 2019
  • Dr. Kyle Perry, associate professor of explosives engineering
  • Dr. Keng Siau, former chair and professor of business and information technology
  • Dr. Nancy Stone, professor of psychological science.

The winners are Flachsbart (posthumously) and Siau.

The nominees for the Graduate Staff Excellence Award are:

  • Michelle Emerson, student support specialist in engineering management and systems engineering
  • Megan Fowler, business support specialist in electrical and computer engineering
  • Linda Guyton-Gladden, office support assistant in mathematics and statistics
  • Judy Russell, administrative assistant in mining engineering.

Russell won the award.


The nominees for the Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Studies Award are:

  • Dr. Clair Kueny, assistant professor of psychological science
  • Dr. Islam El-adaway, the Hurst-McCarthy Professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.

Kueny won the award.

The nominees for the Graduate Staff Excellence Award are:

  • Tammy Heldenbrand, business support specialist in chemistry
  • Judy Russell, administrative assistant in mining engineering
  • Jade Sinnott, senior student support specialist in graduate studies.

Sinnott won the award.

The award winners received a plaque and online gift card. The nominees received a certificate.

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On July 6, 2021. Posted in Accomplishments