Logan Gallagher, president of the Club Sports Council, sent the following message to students on July 26:
Good day all,
My name is Logan Gallagher, and I am the current president of the Club Sports Council (CSC). This past year and a half has been a very challenging and interesting year to say the least. For many, online learning definitely came as something not too shy of a learning curve. That being said, it is very important that, as a student body, we all get vaccinated. If the university as a whole reaches its goal of 85% of the student body being vaccinated, we will be able to resume normalcy in terms of regular academic learning and extracurricular activities.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, club sport competition took a toll. In the beginning, students were not allowed to compete in any fashion. As time progressed, some competition was able to resume, albeit, with restrictions. Sadly, we could not go and cheer on our favorite Miner sports teams, athletes had to stay in a “bubble” with their teammates, and practices were accompanied with uncomfortable, strict mask usage. If we reach the goal of 85% of the student body becoming vaccinated, we can once again go back to competing and cheering on our favorite club sports teams in a similar fashion to the pre-Covid lifestyle. Competition is truly an amazing experience once you have your friends cheering alongside you. We all want to get back to the point of having our multiple nationally ranked club teams back in competition to show off what Miners can accomplish.
That is why I, and all of the athletes in club sports ask that you please get vaccinated. Everyone wants college to be an enjoyable experience, and we can all take part in doing so.
If you want to get vaccinated, but do not know the necessary steps to do so, you can talk to your personal doctor or local pharmacy. Also, S&T’s student health would be more than happy to help. Their number is (573) 341- 4284 and their website can be found at studenthealth.mst.edu. Lastly, the CDC offers help too. You can find a location for the vaccine on their website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/How-Do-I-Get-a-COVID-19-Vaccine.html.
How can your vaccination be counted towards our goal? Please make sure you upload your COVID-19 vaccination cards onto your student health portal so that we can get an accurate number. These vaccinations need to be reported via mst.studenthealthportal.com, otherwise they won’t be counted.
The campus’s plan against the fight on Covid is constantly evolving. That being said, the best place to locate our current campus guidance is coronavirus.mst.edu. For current CDC guidance please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.
Let’s get back to competing and having fun!
Logan Gallagher
Club Sports Council President