Student Union Board events for November

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On October 29, 2020

Join SUB for our FREE in-person and online events for November!

November 6th from 11am-2pm SUB Leisure and Recreation will be bringing back the succulent event, this semester as Gardens of the Galaxy. This will be held outside Havener on the Lawn, and limited to until we run out. You will also be able to join RHA for decorating via zoom later that night with some great prizes.

November 6th, 7th, and 8th at 7pm join SUB Comedy as we host our Annual Laughfest. Laughfest is a 3 day comedy series where we will host a different comedian each night. While this will look different being online because of COVID, it will still be quite the laugh. The zoom links will be available on our social media pages.

November 11th & 14th SUB Concerts will be hosting online shows from two different artists. These artists will be announced at a later date, so stay tuned to our social media pages for updates.

November 12th SUB Leisure and Recreation with Intramurals will be hosting the last monthly Trivia Night of the semester. This event will start at 7pm, and the zoom information can be found on social media. Large prizes will be given to the Top 3 winners!

November 13th SUB Campus Traditions and OAR, as well as KMNR, will be hosting a Drive-In Firework show! This show will start at 6:30pm, so be ready in the Gale-Bullman Parking lot to listen to some spooky Friday the 13th music from KMNR and watch some fireworks. As a note, no alcohol will be allowed and anyone not in compliance will be reported to the Dean of Students.

November 18th SUB Leisure and Recreation and Campus Traditions will be bringing Drag Queen Bingo. This event will be on zoom, and will have lots of prizes available for students. Stay ready to know who our host is through our social media pages in the near future.

November 19th SUB Cinema will be showing Detective Pikachu in St. Pats Ballroom at 7pm. There will be free snacks and drinks, and a raffle for those who attend. Free stuffed Pokemon will also be handed out at this event!

To learn more about SUB or future events check out our website.

All in-person events have COVID-19 measures in place to keep students, faculty, and staff safe and healthy. masks will always be required, as well as social distancing, temperature checking, cleared campus screen app, and regular disinfecting of high touch areas. Students will also need to check-in using their Campus Corq App for most events, to reduce interaction with others. For more information or any questions you may have regarding this please email our President or Vice President.

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On October 29, 2020. Posted in Student Events, Student News