NSF grad research fellow workshop set for Aug. 11

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On July 22, 2020

The vice chancellor of research and graduate studies office will host a workshop on Tuesday, Aug. 11, focused on applying for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). The workshop will be held via Zoom; RSVP online to attend all or part of the workshop. Registration closes Thursday, Aug. 6.

Encourage sophomores and juniors to attend the workshop. Those already enrolled in graduate school may apply only once and must be in their first year or just beginning their second year of graduate school.

Dr. Robin G. Walker will present the workshop. Since 2004, Walker has developed applicant learning materials for the NSF’s GRFP.

The following is an anticipated schedule of the workshop:

  • 9 a.m.- The Prestige and Benefits of a Becoming a GRFP Fellow. Learn about this three-year fellowship including eligibility and how to apply.
  • 10 a.m.- To Win, You Must Understand How Applications are Scored. This session will teach about application scoring criteria and the “evidence” reviewers seek to assess your potential to engage in research and outreach activities.
  • 11 a.m.- The 3 C’s of Writing Statements: Compelling, Congruent and Complete. This hour is dedicated to writing and formatting the two GRFP statements, tips for documenting your abilities and how to make the two statements work together.
  • Noon- Faculty Engagement is a Key Factor. This session will address (a) mentors’ critique of the student’s research plan; (b) helping students address the two scoring criteria (intellectual merit and broader impacts); and (c) strategies for impactful reference letters. For NSF PI’s, we will discuss how to make broader impacts a win-win situation for you and future applicants.

Before the workshop, students are encouraged to review fellowship information. After reading this material, students need to determine who their research mentor(s) will be and start the process of putting together their personal information, personal statement, graduate research statement and a list of potential references. Documents to assist with writing these components and any workshop documents will be posted to a Google drive.

See GRFP’s benefits, eligibility criteria and more details at the NSF website.

Notify Abbie Sherman, executive assistant in sponsored programs, if you plan to apply for the NSF GRFP or have any questions about the workshop.

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On July 22, 2020. Posted in Announcements