Oerther recognized for lifetime achievement

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On March 3, 2020
Daniel B. Oerther

Dr. Daniel B. Oerther, professor of environmental health engineering, has received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award from Marquis Who’s Who.

Oerther joined Missouri S&T’s faculty in 2010 as the John A. and Susan Mathes Endowed Chair of Civil Engineering. In addition to his primary roles, he served as director of the environmental research center, faculty senator, secretary of the graduate faculty and chair of the Committee on Effective Teaching.

Throughout his career, Oerther has led efforts using engineering to bridge cultures. He is a three-time recipient of the Fulbright Scholar award from the United States Department of State conducting research and teaching in India, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. In addition, he is a two-time recipient of University of Missouri System awards, including the President’s Award for Cross-cultural Engagement as well as the C. Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship for advancing the land-grant mission through extension, international education, and agricultural economics programs.

Oerther is a fellow of the Society of Environmental Engineers, the Society of Operations Engineers, the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health, and the Royal Society for Public Health. He is also a lifetime honorary fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and the Academy of Nursing Education of the National League for Nursing.

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On March 3, 2020. Posted in Accomplishments