All classes will be taught remotely for the remainder of the spring semester. The university will remain open to ensure students who need access to dining and housing, library resources or broadband are accommodated.
Missouri S&T leaders are preparing in the event of a coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Currently there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 connected to Missouri S&T.
An incident command team is leading planning to respond to a potential COVID-19 outbreak to Missouri S&T and to assure continuity of operations. View this organizational chart of the team. The team will soon communicate about travel policy, moving instruction online and meetings of large groups.
The team leaders are:
See the organizational chart for details.
The team meets regularly with others across campus and is in constant communication with University of Missouri System colleagues to assess this fluid situation and make recommendations to S&T leaders to best serve our students, faculty and staff.
Because of the rapid changes occurring with this health situation, the university’s COVID-19 website is updated frequently. Please review it for the latest updates regarding the S&T community and only share information that has been verified as factually accurate.