Missouri S&T Chancellor Mo Dehghani sent the following message to students, faculty and staff on Friday, March 13, following the announcement that all coursework is moving online effective Monday, March 16.
Dear Distinguished Colleagues and Dear Friends;
Earlier this evening, you received a message from UM System President Mun Choi, myself, and other university leaders announcing the move of all instruction to online for the remainder of the semester, effective Monday, March 16. This announcement comes on yet another day of unprecedented actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our state and nation. As President Choi’s message highlighted, this afternoon, President Donald Trump declared a national state of emergency. Missouri Governor Mike Parson soon followed suit, declaring a state of emergency for our state. Closer to home, our NCAA Division II athletic conference, the GLVC, suspended all sports competitions and practices until further notice and canceled all conference championship events.
I don’t pretend to know what other steps we might take as a university to address this growing national crisis. But I do know one thing: We will get through this crisis, just as this nation and Missouri S&T have endured other tough situations.
We all are adjusting our lives to coronavirus. I personally go back and forth. I sometimes wonder, “Is this really as bad as it seems?” But what I believe is most important is to always be respectful of other’s views, and especially in a time of stress . Everyone has their own reality as they process and experience how the threat of this virus may impact their own lives.
Even as we practice social distancing and minimize physical contact, we are coming closer together as a nation. We are coming together in a way I have not seen since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The same is true of our entire S&T community. Students, faculty, staff and alumni all are coming together in a spirit of support and concern for one another.
I am so inspired, but not surprised, to hear from many of you and to see on social media your interest in helping others in our community who may need it during this crisis. I have been asked a couple of times since I arrived on campus last August, “What one word best describes S&T?” And each time I have answered: family. Our interwoven community is unlike any other, especially in times of stress or disruption. There is none better.
Finally, I know that many of you are concerned and have many questions as we move into the uncharted territory of completely online instruction. You may feel unprepared for what is to come. This weekend, we will share additional information and guidance to help. We don’t have all the answers, but together we can and will overcome this challenge, just as we have overcome many others before. I ask that you have faith in your abilities, take care of each other, check in on your friends and loved ones, and even in these days of social distancing, when you can’t hug, make your smile a little broader, your wave friendlier and your verbal greeting warmer. We all need each other right now.
Mo Dehghani