How to Write and Present a Research Proposal
Dr. Bruce McMillin, Missouri S&T
March 11, 2019
10:00 – 10:50 am
209 Computer Science Building
In your career you will be asked to present your ideas, clearly, concisely, and with the goal of obtaining some sort of resources. To distinguish yourself from the crowd, you must be able to be effective within the short window of time given to you. This presentation will go over some major tenets of proposal writing and presentation, including the Heilmeyer catechism, the elevator pitch, and the ideas of broader impacts of your proposed work. We will have a group exercise, so come prepared with an idea to pitch.
This is open to faculty, students, and staff.
Bio: Dr. Bruce McMillin is currently a Professor of Computer Science and its interim chair, director of the Center for Information Assurance and co-director of the Center for Smart Living at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He leads and participates in interdisciplinary teams in formal methods for fault tolerance and security in distributed embedded systems with an eye towards critical infrastructure protection. His current work focuses on protection for advanced power grid control. His research has been supported by the United States NSF, AFOSR, DOE, NIST and several Missouri Industries. Dr. McMillin has authored over 120 refereed papers in international conferences and journals. He is leading the distributed grid intelligence project of the Future Renewables NSF Engineering Research Center, an advanced smart grid architecture. He is a senior member of the IEEE and member of the IFIP WG 11.0 on Critical Infrastructure Protection, and member and contributor to the SEPA (Smart Electric Power Alliance). He currently serves in the IEEE Computer Society’s Board of Governors, is a member of the Computing ABET Accreditation Commission, serves as a director of the CSAB accreditation board, and is an IEEE Computer Society distinguished visitor.