Dr. John McManus, S&T’s Curators’ Distinguished Professor of history, presents a lecture, “Echoes of Grant,” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the Kansas City Public Library’s Central Library location at
14 West 10th St. in Kansas City, MO.
McManus examines the parallels between Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower, delving in particular into Eisenhower’s World War II military campaigns. The presentation, in partnership with the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, continues a series coinciding with the exhibit Eisenhower’s Middle Road at the Central Library. More details at: https://www.kclibrary.org/signature-events/echoes-grant-second-world-war-leadership-dwight-eisenhower?delta=0
At 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28, McManus will also present “Echoes of Grant” at the Eisenhower Presidential Library Visitors Center Auditorium at 200 S.E. 4th in Abilene, Kansas.
The lecture is free and open to the public, with a light lunch provided on a first come, first serve basis. It is part of the Lunch and Learn series is made possible courtesy of the Eisenhower Foundation and the Jeffcoat Memorial Foundation.
More details at: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Echoes-of-Grant—Feb–28-Lunch—Learn.html?soid=1102308225095&aid=vS6vG6kT8Xg