Honor Letha Young at retirement reception

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On September 6, 2018

Letha Young with solar car

University police officer Letha Young volunteers her time with the Solar Car Design Team. Sam O’Keefe/Missouri S&T

After serving S&T for more than 20 years, Lt. Letha Young with University Police will retire. Join University Police in recognizing Young for her hard work and commitment during a reception 2-4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 10, in St. Pat’s Ballroom C of the Havener Center.

Young joined University Police in Nov. 18, 1996. Since 2008, she has traveled with S&T’s Solar Car Design Team to competitions. In 2013, she was formally named a staff advisor to the team. Young’s final day with S&T will be Thursday, Nov. 1.

Please coordinate any presentations with Doug Roberts, chief of police, at robertsdp@mst.edu.

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On September 6, 2018. Posted in Announcements