Professors to know — Two S&T faculty make national list of 20

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On September 2, 2017
Cihan Dagli

Cihan Dagli

Dr. Cihan Dagli and Dr. Suzanna Long are systems engineering professors you should know, according to The site’s list of 20 includes outstanding professors in the field at universities across the country.

Dagli is a professor of engineering management and systems engineering. He is the founder and director of S&T’s systems engineering graduate program. Professor Long is department chair and professor of engineering management and systems engineering.

The list was compiled based on a methodology using the following factors: employment as a professor or

Suzanna Long

Suzanna Long

associate professor, current employment, position at a four-year university, publication and engineering-related endeavors outside of their institution.

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On September 2, 2017. Posted in Accomplishments