Experiential learning, service learning awards go to three

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On April 4, 2017

Dr. Norbert Maerz, Dr. Sarah Stanley and Brett Watson received awards during an awards ceremony Feb. 21 on campus.

Dr. Norbert Maerz, professor of geological engineering, received the 2016-2017 Faculty Experiential Learning Award. He champions study abroad opportunities for geological engineering and other students, including trips to Guatemala, Brazil and Peru.

Dr. Sarah Stanley, assistant professor of business and information technology, received the 2016-17 Faculty Service Learning Award. She incorporates service learning into many of her classes. In her non-profit marketing class, for example, students worked closely with the Rolla Rural Fire Protection Unit, helping increase fire department volunteers. She also volunteers at graduate education fairs and recruiting events, including the East Central College Math and Science Night. Outside of Missouri S&T, Stanley volunteers as a court-appointed special advocate for two foster care children.

Brett Watson, assistant director of student life, received the 2016-2017 Staff Experiential Learning Award for his work with Missouri S&T’s Greek Academy. More than 150 students have participated in the program Watson created three years ago. It offers unique experiential learning opportunities and helps students foster healthy individual growth and chapter development.

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On April 4, 2017. Posted in Accomplishments