S&T participates in active learning initiatives

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On November 1, 2016

Missouri S&T was one of more than 160 organizations that signed a letter to President Obama committing to take steps for sustained use of active learning strategies in undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) classrooms. Watch a video about active learning at Missouri S&T. The video will be featured on the STEM Central website.

Led by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and its Project Kaleidoscope, more than 160 colleges and universities and STEM-related professional societies — reaching more than 100,000 students — pledged to support STEM faculty in adopting active-learning strategies by investing in faculty professional development and creating appropriate faculty rewards. This diverse group of institutions includes universities, community colleges, Hispanic-serving institutions, and historically black colleges and universities.

Educators throughout Missouri S&T participated in Active Learning Day on Oct. 25. The national observance was announced by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. All STEM instructors were encouraged to spend at least 10 minutes using an active learning technique in their classrooms. Missouri S&T’s Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) and Educational Technology provide resources about active learning on the educational technology website.

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On November 1, 2016. Posted in Accomplishments