Missouri S&T surplus sale

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On September 6, 2016

Missouri S&T surplus property will have a public garage sale on from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 2016 at the surplus warehouse, located at 301 N. Bishop Ave. in Rolla. All items will be priced.

Items include a Dell 790 computer towers with Windows 7, desk, chairs, computer systems, laptop computers, flat panel monitors at $10 each, laptop bags, pictures, electronics, three-ring notebooks, tables, electronics, file cabinets, washer and dryer sets and more.

This is a cash only; no personal checks or credit cards.

We do not answer the phone during the sale day and may not answer it a few days before as we are busy getting ready for the sale.

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On September 6, 2016. Posted in Announcements