Melanie Mormile named associate provost of faculty affairs

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On August 3, 2016

Dr. Melanie Mormile, professor of biological sciences, was appointed associate provost of faculty affairs in July. In her newly expanded role, Mormile will continue to assist the provost’s office with faculty and workload assignment, promotion and tenure policy, and other matters in faculty affairs. She also will represent Provost Robert Marley on various committees and at events, including working directly with academic affairs officials at the University of Missouri System and on other UM campuses.

A member of the Missouri S&T faculty since 1999, Mormile has served as special assistant to the provost for faculty affairs since February 2015. In her new assignment, she will spend 80 percent of her time as associate provost and 20 percent of her time in her home department, where she will continue working with students and conducting research in environmental microbiology.

“Dr. Mormile has provided extraordinary service to the campus as special assistant to the provost these past 18 months,” Marley says. “I have received so many positive comments about Melanie’s service to our faculty during this time. I look forward to continuing to work with her in this expanded role. She is highly respected throughout the S&T campus and UM System, representing the university and the office of the provost extremely well.”

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On August 3, 2016. Posted in Announcements