HREI offers new Balanced Professional Mastery Certificate

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On August 15, 2016

Feedback from Missouri S&T employees, combined with input and efforts from the Employee Development Committee, have culminated in a self-paced professional development program offered through the division of Human Resources, Equity and Inclusion.

Through a combination of campus workshops, myLearn courses and departmental team participation, all employees can complete the mastery certificate program with a minimal time commitment. Using an estimated three working hours per month over the course of a year, you can participate in a professional development program that encourages personal and professional growth.

As university employees you were hired because you already exhibit a great level of mastery and understanding of the foundational elements of being an outstanding contributor. This certificate program is designed to improve upon your professional foundation by introducing you to new ideas, promoting self-reflection and giving you the essential tools to make positive changes that will have an immediate impact on your job satisfaction and productivity.

This program places a heavy emphasis on the success factors identified and evaluated annually through myPerformance. HREI highly encourages supervisors to assist their direct reports in finding time to complete the program. Go online for more information on how to complete the mastery certificate.

Please contact Will Zwikelmaier, training and development coordinator, with any questions or to set up the team training portion of the certificate program.

Special thanks to Will Zwikelmaier, Anitra Rivera and the members of the original Employee Development Committee for providing this opportunity for the employees of Missouri S&T. The 2010 Employee Development Committee members include Shenethia Manuel (chair), Dr. Venkat Allada, Dr. Jerri Arnold-Cook, Dr. Ronald Bieniek, Kelly Bowen, Meg Brady, Linda Bramel, Vicki Callaway, Karen Chapman, Dr. Harvest Collier, Christopher Dew, Connie Eggert, Patty Frisbee, William Gillis, Angela Hammons, Connie Hudgens, Dr. Ali Hurson, Deanne Jackson, Roger Jett, Barbara Schubring, Dr. Robert Schwartz, Andy Stewart, Randy Stoll and Dr. Henry Wiebe.

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On August 15, 2016. Posted in Other