New process established for policy development

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On April 7, 2016

As part of Missouri S&T’s commitment to ensuring thoughtful development of campus life, Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader seeks to establish a standardized method of policy development to be referenced in CRR 1-10. Any proposed campus policy will be submitted for a minimum of four levels of review prior to potential adoption and enactment.

The proposed policy development process is as follows:

1. INTRODUCTION AT CHANCELLOR’S CABINET MEETING: Any policy for consideration will be proposed by a vice chancellor in a regular meeting of the Chancellor’s Cabinet. If the members of the Chancellor’ Cabinet are in conditional agreement with the policy, it will be written in a standardized format and presented for review by the Chancellor’s Council.

The chief of staff will organize and staff the meeting of the Chancellor’s Council.

2. CHANCELLOR’S COUNCIL DISCUSSION:  The proposed policy will be discussed in a meeting of the Chancellor’s Council. Any comments and concerns will be recorded by the Chancellor’s chief of staff.

3. PUBLICATION AND MEETING NOTICES: Following the Chancellor’s Council review, a summary of the proposed policy will be published in the eConnection and/or Student eConnection with a link to the full text of the policy under consideration. Meeting notices will also be published on the Missouri S&T Calendar of Events.

The proposed policy will be published in a standardized format, with clearly defined and designated ways to register opinions or comments by individuals and stakeholder groups.  Comments should be emailed to:

At the time of publication, the campus community will receive notice, including the time and place, for an open listening session.

4. OPEN LISTENING SESSION:  A campus community listening session will take place soon after publication of the proposed policy.  Comments, concerns and suggestions will be recorded and shared with the Chancellor’s Cabinet in the second discussion.

5. CHANCELLOR’S CABINET DISCUSSION:  A second discussion with the members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet will be scheduled as soon as possible to follow the listening session, and all feedback will be taken into account and appropriate revisions will be adopted.

6. ADOPTION:  If determined appropriate by the Chancellor, the proposed or revised policy will be adopted and published.

This process is designed to provide several opportunities for thoughtful analysis and comments from various groups and individuals in order to ensure the best possible outcome. The final decision for adoption and implementation of any policy is the responsibility of the Chancellor.

If the proposed policy is substantially modified in response to any new or additional information, the modified policy will be taken back through the entire series of reviews.

Chancellor’s Council membership

 The Chancellor’s Council is comprised of members of the Chancellor’s Cabinet and a representative of each major constituency in the Missouri S&T campus family:  Faculty Senate, Student Council, Staff Council, Council of Graduate Students, Department Chairs Council, Vice Provost and Dean from each College, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Dean of Students, Director of Athletics, Human Resources, IT, Physical Facilities, and Student Diversity, Outreach and Women’s Programs.  It will be the responsibility of the representative to share the proposed policy, then gather and report significant suggestions or concerns.

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On April 7, 2016. Posted in Announcements