Sponsored programs urges faculty to use the new ProQuest Community of Science (COS) program PIVOT. PIVOT is a way to find and track personalized research opportunities and is a way to find collaborators on and off campus to build nationally competitive collaborations.
A PIVOT representative will provide introductory training sessions at three different times on Thursday, Sept. 25, in Room 105 Interdisciplinary Engineering Building. No advanced notice or reservation is required for the following times:
10-11 a.m. This session will be followed by a half-hour of instructor availability for one-on-one or questions and answers.
1-2 p.m. This session will also followed by a half-hour coaching session.
2:30-3:30 p.m. This last session will be aimed to assist chairs, directors and research staff in using PIVOT to assist others, but it is still open to all. This session will also followed by a half-hour coaching session.
You may attend any one of three sessions, though the morning sessions are most oriented to faculty needs. The room is a computer lab with only five desktop work stations, which will be offered on first-come first-served. These are meant to be practical, ‘hands-on’ introductions. Please bring your own laptop or other device that you would normally use to search for research funding.