A short survey has been created for Missouri S&T faculty and staff with preschool children to help move a proposed child development center project forward. Through the efforts of the Female and Underrepresented Minority Faculty Recruiting and Retention Task Force (FUMFRR), led by Provost Warren K. Wray, a high-quality child development center has been recognized as one of Missouri S&T’s strategic goals and has been included in the 2012-2016 S&T Strategic and Tactical Plans.
The proposed S&T Sponsored Child Development Center is currently in the programming phase of the UM Appropriations Request for Capital Items (Project #117416). The information gathered in this survey will be used for the development of the campus master plan. Your input is very important to this process, as results of the survey will be used to determine capacity, location and fee structure for the center.
The proposed center will be a licensed and accredited early care and education center for young children from infancy to 12 years of age. Accreditation will ensure quality daily experiences for children in early childhood programs and promote positive child learning outcomes. The center’s teachers will be supervised by a professional director. It will have a research-based, progressive curriculum that reflects the technical and scientific interests of the S&T community.
The center’s location will offer families convenient access to the academic core of the campus. The building will be designed to offer children superior experiences across all domains of development. Fees are expected to be on a sliding fee scale, although they will be higher than those currently charged for non-accredited child care programs in Rolla and Phelps County.
The survey is intended only for those with preschool children currently living with them or who will bring children into their families in the next year. Only one response per family is desired.
There will be opportunities in the near future for members of the S&T community to learn more about the project from the committee and the consultant and to express their thoughts.
Please take two to three minutes of your time to complete the survey by Monday, May 7. Your help is appreciated in bringing this project forward.
Click here to take the survey.
Dr. Warren K. Wray
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs