Three events will be held to celebrate Women’s History Month, including a Women’s Resource Fair, a discussion about feminism, and the 2012 Inspirational Woman Awards and Chocolate Lounge:
- Everyone is invited to check out information tables, presentations and demonstrations at the Women’s Resource Fair, where you will learn about resources throughout S&T and the Rolla community. The fair will be held from 4-7 p.m. Monday, March 19, in the Havener Center atrium. Contact Kandis Rodgers at 341-6829 for more information.
- Are you a feminist? Do you know what it means to be one? Student Abby Jonson will discuss what it truly means to be a feminist and dispel some myths about feminism at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, in the Carver-Turner Room of the Havener Center.
- The 2012 Inspirational Woman Awards and Chocolate Lounge will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, in St. Pat’s Ballroom B of the Havener Center. Celebrate the important women of S&T’s past, present and future while enjoying chocolate and sharing an open microphone. This event is sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Institute and leadership and cultural programs.