University Police offers the following information to help keep members of the Missouri S&T campus community safe during the St. Pat’s festivities:
If you decide to drink
- Plan your drinking. Think about how much you want to drink before you drink. Remember that food, attitude and environment affect your susceptibility to alcohol.
- Take care of yourself. Don’t put yourself in a situation where other people might have to take care of you, because they might not be there.
- Be aware that drinking games may create conditions of high-risk drinking, since most games encourage drinking a lot in a short period of time.
- Don’t ever force or pressure anyone to drink, or spike drinks. This is rude, harmful and could be fatal. Respect other’s decisions not to drink.
Know what to do in an alcohol emergency (if you’re with someone who has had too much to drink):
- Don’t let the person drink more alcohol.
- Help the person avoid dangerous situations such as driving, wandering outside and sexual encounters.
- If the person is unconscious, call 911. Put the person on his/her side to prevent choking if vomiting occurs.
- Drinking too much alcohol can result in serious medical problems. Do not allow the person to just “sleep it off.” Seek medical attention immediately.
Missouri State Statutes
- Illegal possession of alcohol. Any person under the age of 21 who purchases, asks for or in any way receives intoxicating liquor can be charged with a misdemeanor.
- Use of a fake ID. Any person who is under the age of 21, who uses a reproduced, modified or altered license for the purpose of purchasing, asking for or in any way receiving any intoxicating liquor can be charged with a misdemeanor.
- Open container. Any person who possesses an open container of alcohol within their vehicle or on a public street or sidewalk could be charged with a misdemeanor.
- Driving while intoxicated. The legal limit for DWI is .08. Those under age 21 could be found guilty of a Zero Tolerance violation if they are above .02. Consequences could include fines, license revocation, classes, community service and jail times, as well as misdemeanor or felony charges on one’s record.
- Minor in Possession (MIP) has been expanded to include “possession by consumption” and appearing “visibly intoxicated.” This has made it far easier for officers to charge minors based on breathalyzer testing and even solely on the appearance of intoxication in a minor.
- Indecent exposure and/or public urination. No person shall be or appear in or upon any street, avenue, alley, park, public place or place open to the public view in a state of nudity nor arrayed in a manner unbecoming to his/her sex or in any indecent or lewd dress; nor shall any person make any indecent exposure of his/her person or be guilty of any unseemly, obscene or filthy act or any lewd, indecent, immoral or insulting conduct, language or behavior.