The winter Eat for Life program, available online, begins this month. Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management and re-discover the joy of eating in this 10-week program.
Eat for Life uses mind-body practices (meditation and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat.
Online course orientation is the week of Jan. 23. Classes run from the week of Jan. 30, through the week of April 9. The cost is $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in the discussion board.
There are two ways to enroll:
1. Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life along with the registration form to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building, by Jan. 18, so they have time to send you your books. The registration form can be found online.
2. Pay by credit card by calling Rebecca Pell at the Healthy for Life office (573-884-1312) by Jan. 18, so they have time to send you your books.
For more information, contact Rachel Ploskonka at