Miners on the Move Updates

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On May 2, 2011

There’s still time to participate in Miners on the Move. Find out this week’s winners and more by clicking the “continuing reading …” link below.

Tag, you’re it!
Have you tagged your friends yet? It’s simple: tag three of your friends by emailing their names to Blaine Snow at snowb@umsystem.edu. These are people who might want help getting their $150 by completing the Miners on the Move program. Snow can help them navigate through Blackboard, sign up for appointments through Cerner, arrange a screening time and more. By tagging your three friends now you’ll get a free gift card to Missouri S&T Bookstore.
Free lunch extended
For a limited time, Miners on the Move has extended the opportunity to get a free lunch from Subway by filling out the personal online health assessment. Lunch cards are sent out weekly, so be sure to check your campus mailbox. Log onto www.myhealtheexchange.com to take your assessment today.
Social media winners announced
Recent prize winners are Lynn Shelton ($50 Visa card for completing all 5 steps), Joseph Jackson (MP3 player for checking off health screenings), Twitter follower Marilyn Disser, and Facebook fan Kevin Huilman.
Weekly drawings are held for completing and checking off all five steps and your health screenings on Blackboard for Miners on the Move and for following Healthy for Life on Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget the $150 you’ll receive in July for completing the all steps by June 30.
Here’s how to get involved in the social media sites:
— Set up a Twitter account. Once logged in, go to the Healthy for Life page and click on the “Follow” button.
— Set up a Facebook account and click on Healthy for Life’s page and choose the “Like” button: Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness.
Still time to begin Miners on the Move
On Feb. 24, invitations were sent out from the university’s partner organization, Cerner Healthe, with the subject line “Healthe invitation to register.” The email contains directions for taking your personal health assessment (with your personalized invitation code) and scheduling your screening and advisor visits. As you complete your health assessment, screenings and coaching advisor visit, be sure to give yourself credit in Blackboard to qualify for weekly prize drawings, a free lunch and $150. If you have any problems with the Cerner Healthe account, call 877-621-8014.
Get Miners on the Move help at your desk, library
Schedule a quick tutorial for your department with Blaine Snow at snowb@umsystem.edu. He is taking appointments for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and will help your group wherever you are in the process. Schedule your group for a tutorial and you’ll receive a prize. In-person prize drawings will be held for every group that signs up.
You can also stop by the computer lab in Wilson Library (Room 103) between 9-11 a.m. on Fridays for assistance. Staff will help you log on the computer, maneuver Blackboard, take your Personal Health Assessment and schedule a coaching or screening visit.

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On May 2, 2011. Posted in Announcements