Due to the projected increase in the size of the master’s and Ph.D. graduating class, the commencement ceremonies for this group of graduates will be held at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2008. The location of the graduate ceremony will be determined after the fourth week of classes when the projections are updated. The undergraduate ceremony is unchanged and will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, in the multi-purpose building.
The Commencement Committee made this recommendation to the Chancellor in an effort to help facilitate planning for the families of the master’s and PhD graduating students. In May 2007, the Commencement Committee recommended the commencement ceremonies be broken into two difference ceremonies because of limited seating in the multi-purpose building for the families of the graduates. In May 2007, the ceremony for the master’s and Ph.D. students was held in Leach Theatre to a full house. With a projected increase of approximately 20 master’s and Ph.D. graduation candidates, who bring an average of four guests per candidate, the Commencement Committee was again concerned about capacity limitations. The Friday evening event gives the option of either Leach Theatre or the multi-purpose building for the graduate ceremony.
The Commencement Committee will meet again after the fourth week of classes when a more accurate projection can be made regarding the size of the graduating class. At that time, the committee will determine the location of the graduate ceremony.