Does working closely with new students during their first few days on campus sound rewarding? Would you like to help these students establish great habits and make amazing new friends? If you answered YES, we want YOU to be a 2021 opening week mentor! Missouri S&T new student programs are looking for opening week and […]
Read More »Missouri S&T New Student Programs is looking for Opening Week and Transfer Transitions mentors for Summer 2021! Applications can be found on the PRO website at or in 109 Centennial Hall at the ID Desk.
Read More »If you know students interested in becoming Opening Week mentors for our new students, please encourage them to apply on the Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) website at Applications are due by 4 p.m. Friday, April 10.
Read More »Interested in helping incoming S&T students? Do you want to represent your organization? Do you want to tell your story? Become a PRO Volunteer today! Accepting both lunch and advising volunteers. Be sure to attend one of the mandatory trainings:
Wednesday, February 6th or Thursday, February 7th in Schrenk G-3 from 6-7:00 PM
Questions? Contact James Twillmann at
The new student programs staff is gearing up to welcome the next class of Miners. Ten Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) Days are scheduled on Saturdays in 2018:
Opening Week will be held from Sunday, Aug. 12, through Friday, Aug. 17.
Read More »New student programs will host the Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) sessions for fall 2015 new students 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. each PRO day. There are 10 PRO sessions in 2015. Dates can be found on the PRO website.
Read More »Congratulations to the student leaders who have been selected to represent Missouri S&T as 2015 PRO Leaders. PRO Leaders work together as a team to provide student input and actively assist in the production of S&T’s comprehensive Preview, Registration and Orientation: Opening Week, Project X, missions, mentors, transfer transitions and more. PRO Leaders are expected to reflect the very best qualities of students and serve as positive role models for incoming students and their families. The following students were selected as leaders:
Read More »The final Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) session for 2014 will be held at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 16, in the Havener Center. Incoming students will learn about student life, meet with their advisors, take the math placement exam and register for fall classes. After attending PRO, new students will participate in Opening Week activities to prepare for the first day of classes on Monday, Aug. 25. For more information, contact new student programs at 341-7045.
Read More »Missouri S&T will host four Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) sessions in June. Help welcome new students and their guests to the Missouri S&T campus on: Friday, June 6; Monday, June 9; Friday, June 13; and Friday, June 20. There will also be a PRO session on Saturday, Aug. 16. PRO is an all-day orientation program for new students who plan to start classes at Missouri S&T in the fall 2014 semester. PRO Resource Fairs will be held from 12:30-3 p.m. in the Havener Center in June. If your department or organization would like to participate in the Resource Fair in June, contact Patty Frisbee, 341-7045, for more information.
Read More »Missouri S&T will host three preview, registration and orientation (PRO) sessions in April and May. PRO is an all-day orientation program for new students who plan to start classes at S&T in the fall 2014 semester. Help welcome our new students and their guests to the S&T campus on Saturday, April 5; Saturday, April 26; and Saturday, May 3. If you have questions or would like to participate in the PRO Resource Fair, contact Patty Frisbee, 341-7045, or stop by the new student programs office in Room 106 Centennial Hall.
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