Bioplex building concept viewed from the north. Concept by Christner + ZGF.
Join Missouri S&T leaders and the local community to break ground on the Bioplex, a premier facility dedicated to health research. The event will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 9, on the Havener Arrival Complex’s lawn, north of Bertelsmeyer Hall.
The Bioplex will serve as the premier facility anchoring the new Havener Arrival Complex. When completed in 2028, the 127,000-square-foot Bioplex will be Missouri’s only facility in public higher education with the primary mission of workforce training and advanced research in biomedical engineering and science. Learn more about Bioplex plans on S&T’s master plan website.
For more information about the event, please contact Sarah Jones, director of donor relations, at or 573-341-6359.