Drinking alcohol during St. Pat’s? Read this first

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On March 6, 2025

As we approach St. Pat’s festivities, Missouri S&T’s University Police and Student Well-Being would like to offer the following information pertaining to alcohol safety.

Consider not drinking. 

  • Be confident in your decision not to drink. Saying “no” in an assertive way will make it less likely others will try to pressure you to drink.
  • There are different ways of saying “no” if you are being pressured or feel uncomfortable. Sometimes saying phrases like “I don’t feel like it,” “I don’t feel well” or “I have to get up early” is more comfortable than directly saying no.
  • If you are driving, make sure that you and your passengers wear seat belts.

If you decide to drink:

  • Designate a sober driver.
  • Know your limit and plan ahead. Keep track of how many drinks you are consuming.
  • Look out for yourself and others. Take steps to drink responsibly.
  • Don’t ever force or pressure anyone to drink. Respect the rights of individuals who do not wish to drink.
  • Never leave your drinks unattended, and never accept a drink from someone you don’t know
  • Alternate water with alcohol to stay hydrated and slow consumption.

Know what to do in an emergency. If you are with someone who has had too much to drink:

  • Don’t let the person drink more alcohol.
  • STEP UP!” Help the person avoid dangerous situations such as driving, wandering outside and risky sexual encounters.
  • If the person is unconscious, call 911. Drinking too much alcohol can result in serious medical problems. Seek attention immediately (see Good Samaritan Law)

Look out for each other, respect boundaries and don’t leave friends behind. If you see concerning behavior, remember the four D’s of intervention:

  • Direct: Step up and take the lead. (Ask “is everything ok?” or ask your friend “are you ready to go home?” or tell your friend “I’m ready to leave, come on.”)
  • Delegate: Bring others in to assist. Ask others to help you do something.
  • Distract: Change the subject or shift the focus.
  • Delay: Follow up afterwards. Do they need any assistance?

Add the S&T RAVE Guardian app to your phone. Visitors can opt-in for S&T alerts.

  • The Guardian app lets you text University Police, call the police department’s non-emergency line and call the 911 call center.
  • The app has a safety timer feature to use when you are alone or in an unfamiliar location.
  • Download the app here: alert.mst.edu/rave-guardian.
  • Guests and visitors can receive S&T’s mass notification messages if they opt in by texting MinerEvent to 78015. They will receive any mass notification messages generated by the university during the day they opt in. The opt-in expires at midnight.

Enjoy the St. Pat’s festivities. Be safe and respectful. 

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On March 6, 2025. Posted in Student Announcements, Student News, Wellness

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