The following employees joined the Miner community in December. Please welcome these new staff members:
- Tina Balch, student service coordinator for graduate education
- Mauricio Espinal Ruiz, senior scientist for the Center for Research in Energy and Environment
- Tyler Glidden, academic advisor for the Advising Center
- Jordan Hannah, student service coordinator for graduate education
- Jerry Harris, construction manager for design and construction
- Tomi Havens, office support assistant for facilities operations
- Josie Laposa, senior admissions counselor for southwest Missouri
- Marie Parsons, temporary clerical for the Child Development Center
- Emma Schulte, mail carrier for printing and mail services.
The following employees transferred in December:
- Randy Brinkley, maintenance services attendant for auxiliary operations
- Laurie Buffington, district continuous improvement consultant for regional professional development
- Jessica Convertine, senior compliance manager for Research and Innovation
- Lynne Davidson, director of student well-being
- Catie Martin, business support specialist for health services
- Jennifer Pratt, business support specialist for mathematics and statistics
- Jeanette Waters, business support specialist for student life administration
- Mary Whitman, executive assistant for office of the vice chancellor for student success.