Tutor-pic-ssc.jpg. Zachary Alton tutoring a student in the Student Success Center. Photo Credit: Student Success Center.
The Student Success Center is excited to share our tutoring schedule! Whether you prefer drop-in sessions or group learning, we’ve got you covered.
LEAD Drop-in Tutoring:
Need help with a tough class? Drop by the Student Success Center for assistance from knowledgeable peer learning assistants—no appointments are needed! https://ssc.mst.edu/leaddrop-in/
LEAD Group Tutoring:
Prefer collaborative learning? Join our evening group sessions led by peer learning assistants and faculty across campus. https://ssc.mst.edu/leadgroup/
Knack Tutoring:
For additional schedule flexibility or if you don’t see your class listed through Drop-in or Group, consider Knack Tutoring for virtual or in-person sessions. {Sign Up for Free—> https://ssc.mst.edu/knacktutoring/
For more information, visit us in Room 117 of the Innovation Lab, call (573) 341-7590, or email ssc@mst.edu.