At Missouri S&T, Miners respect and take care of each other. As a new semester begins, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a welcoming, inclusive and respectful environment for everyone. Miners take pride in our diverse community, where every voice contributes to our collective strength.
Our dedication to freedom of expression is matched by our commitment to ensuring that Missouri S&T remains a safe and supportive place for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Peaceful assembly and civil discourse are essential parts of our university experience, and these activities must be conducted in ways that respect the rights and safety of others.
To maintain this positive environment, all campus activities must align with our standards, which include:
Our policies are in place to protect and support our community, and we are committed to upholding these standards to ensure a vibrant, safe and inclusive campus.
Thank you for contributing to Missouri S&T’s continued success and for helping to make our campus a place where everyone can thrive.