DisMEIRP team wins NSF’s Spirit of I-Corps Award and $50,000

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On July 2, 2024

A team of researchers recently completed the National Science Foundation I-Corps program, earning the Spirit of I-Corps award and $50,000. The team, named DisMEIRP (Disaster Management Enterprise Information Resource Planning), participated in the second cohort of the program, which spanned Monday, April 15, to Friday, May 31.

The team included Dr. Sanjay Madria, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of computer science, his advisee Ademola Adesokan, a Kummer I&E Doctoral Fellow studying computer science, and Dr. Lotfi Ben Othmane, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Iowa State University. The team’s research offers a one-stop real-time system that helps volunteer-reliant firefighters expedite emergencies by reducing the response time by 30 minutes.

The U.S National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps, trademarked as I-Corps, is a seven-week entrepreneurial training program that prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory. This experiential training program accelerates the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded and other basic research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization.

View the award abstract on the NSF website.

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On July 2, 2024. Posted in Accomplishments

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