After reviewing the contract terms for file storage in Microsoft 365 for the UM System, a four-campus committee led by UM System IT found that current usage trends indicate we will exceed the allotted storage. To avoid this, more conservative limits will be implemented by the end of May 2024.
Quotas for Exchange email are already used and will remain the same.
Quota limits are needed for OneDrive and SharePoint/Teams to help manage growth in a reasonable way moving forward. Starting direct management of quotas for Microsoft 365 now will prevent what might be seen as punitive measures in the future.
Microsoft 365 users and teams that currently exceed the quota limits will be exempt and placed in exception quota groups, similar to how the Google file storage quota limits were applied.
On Tuesday, May 28, before the start of the summer semester, the quotas for OneDrive and SharePoint, which includes Teams, will be set to the following: