Tony Luo (left) on the stage at the award ceremony. Photo Credit: Tony Luo/ Missouri S&T.
Associate Professor Tony Luo from Computer Science received the PAKDD 2024 Best Paper Runner-Up Award on May 9, 2024. The conference received 720 submissions and accepted 133 papers as oral presentations, which amounts to an acceptance rate of 18.5% for oral presentations (another 42 were accepted as poster presentations). PAKDD is a premier conference in knowledge discovery and data mining and has been consistently ranked as a tier-“A” conference in CORE CS rankings until 2022. There was 1 Best Paper Award and 2 Best Paper Runner-Up Awards this year in Taipei, Taiwan.
The paper is titled “Adversarial-Robust Transfer Learning for Medical Imaging via Domain Assimilation” and represents a joint work between Dr. Luo’s PhD student, Xiaohui Chen, and Dr. Luo himself. Dr. Luo presented the paper at the conference (Chen could not attend due to visa issues), and the audience received the talk well, which generated fruitful discussions during the Q&A and afterward.