Dr. Dave Westenberg, Curator’s Distinguished Professor of biological sciences, led a balloon tower challenge for attendees at the We-Autumn Get Together Connection Evening during the Mental Well-Being Awareness Week held in the fall.
Each semester, student well-being hosts Mental Well-Being Awareness Week, a series of trainings and activities that encourage students, faculty and staff to focus on their mental health and well-being. The theme this semester is “Love Your Mind, Love Your Self,” and will be held the week of Feb. 12. While the actual activities may change each semester, student well-being is excited to say that Mental Well-Being Awareness Week turns 10 this year, with the first week hosted in 2014.
So, how long does it take to get a week-long event planned? Short answer: Around two months! This two-month span includes coordinating with other departments, student organizations and community businesses. Last semester’s awareness week set a record for collaborations and donations, with over 20 participating campus and community partners. When student well-being is not planning, the department is always thinking of fun new things to do for future events to ensure that campus community members feel heard and supported.
If your department, organization or group would like to be a collaborator for Mental Well-Being Awareness Week next semester, reach out to student well-being at wellbeing@mst.edu.
To learn more about this semester’s event, visit wellbeing.mst.edu/mwbaw24.
Student Well-Being would also like to thank Simran Bhatia, student well-being’s senior organizational health education specialist, who has been the main coordinator of Mental Well-Being Awareness Week for many semesters now.
If you see her on campus, make sure to give her a cheer!