Dr. Rainer Glaser, professor of chemistry, and Harmeet Bhoday, doctoral student in chemistry, published an article in CrystEngComm titled “Crystal Environment Induced Symmetry Reduction (CEISR): Deep Analysis of Para-Chloroacetophenone Azine and Generalization.” The article was highlighted on the journal cover of the Sept. 7 issue. Other authors include Dr. Kaidi Yang, a former doctoral student at the University of Missouri, and Dr. Steven Kelley, a research investigator at MU.
“The central question of the paper concerns the discovery of the concept of Crystal Environment Induced Symmetry Reduction in the case of symmetrical para-disubstituted acetophenone azines,” says Glaser.
Glaser’s research team developed a process known as interaction inventory analysis to determine the inequivalence or equivalence of the two arenes in a large series of symmetrical azines.