Marsia Geldert-Murphey, who earned a master’s degree in civil engineering from S&T in 1997, will return to her alma mater Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. for a presentation titled “Engineering our Future” in Room 125 Butler-Carlton Hall and via Zoom. She will discuss how the American Society of Civil Engineers envisions creating a better infrastructure system and advancing an inclusive and equitable society.
Geldert-Murphey’s term as ASCE’s 2024 president will begin Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the national ASCE convention in Chicago, and Missouri S&T will be the first university she visits after being installed.
Geldert-Murphey works as a regional director for Missouri and Illinois at the Lochmueller Group and specializes in transportation and geotechnical engineering. She has over three decades of experience related to civil engineering and construction.