The second annual Startup Challenge will give S&T students an opportunity to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test. Registration for the competition opens Sept. 8 and closes Oct. 1. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.
Do you have a start-up business idea? Want to learn more about how to pitch your vision? Team up to participate in the Missouri S&T Startup Challenge and present your idea to a panel of judges with entrepreneurship experience. The top three teams will be eligible to win up to $5,000 in scholarships.
The Startup Challenge lets students put their entrepreneurial skills and instincts to the test before they graduate. They will map out a strategy for their concept, and if they advance to the finals, pitch their business model to a panel of judges that includes academics and entrepreneurs for scholarship prize money. Based on interest and availability, finalists may have the opportunity to work with professional startup consultants. The challenge is open to all current S&T graduate and undergraduate students.
The S&T Startup Challenge is co-hosted and co-sponsored by career opportunities and employer relations (COER) and Kummer Student Programs. Registration is open through Sunday, Oct. 1.
To learn more and to register, visit