Mid-Semester feedback opens, read FAQs

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On September 18, 2023

Now that the semester is underway, remember to schedule a mid-semester feedback session with the students in your course. The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence can help.

The mid-semester feedback survey is a great way to check in with your students, see how they believe the semester is going, and discover any concerns they may have. You might then decide to make course adjustments that can help student learning before the end of the semester.

Please note that the procedures have changed this year.

  • CAFE will accept requests for mid-semester feedback surveys from Sept. 13-28. All survey requests should be submitted by Thursday, Sept. 28.
  • The surveys will be open to students Oct. 3-16.
  • CAFE will process the survey results and return them Oct. 17-30.

“We hope this new process will streamline the mid-semester feedback process and allow us to provide you with a better experience,” says Dr. Jeff Jennings, assistant director and instructional designer for CAFE.

Sign up online for a mid-semester feedback visit. 

Frequently asked questions

The CAFÉ staff provides the following list of FAQs regarding mid-semester feedback:
Q: Who can request a mid-semester feedback?
A: Anyone teaching a class at Missouri S&T

Q: What questions are on the survey?
A: We have an essential set of questions that align with S&T’s course evaluation questions. We can also include questions that you create that are unique for your class.

Q: Are the results confidential?
A: Yes. The student responses to the survey are voluntary and anonymous. The collected results are confidential between the instructor and our CAFE staff.

Q: What if I have questions about the results?
A: Our CAFE staff is happy to answer any questions. We are also happy to meet with you in person or virtually to discuss results and provide suggestions, if you wish. Consultations are optional.

Q: How is the survey made available to my students?
A: CAFE will create a Qualtrics survey specifically for your course. At that point, you have two options:

  • CAFE will send you the link to the survey, and you can then make that link available to your students.
  • CAFE can place a link to the survey in your course for you as a Canvas announcement.

If you have other questions about the survey or the survey process, visit the CAFE website, email cafe@mst.edu, or call 573-341-6713.

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On September 18, 2023. Posted in Announcements