The Missouri S&T College of Engineering and Computing has named five Dean’s Undergraduate Research Scholars for the fall 2023 semester. These students include:
- Tucker Cudmore, a junior in mechanical engineering from Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. Dr. Jonghyun Park, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is his advisor.
- Jack Hishon, a senior in electrical engineering from St. Charles, Missouri. Dr. Kristen Donnell, Woodard Associate Professor of Excellence in electrical engineering, is his advisor.
- Regan Swain, a senior in geology and geophysics from Chaffee, Missouri. Dr. Marek Locmelis, associate professor of geology and geophysics and faculty fellow in research and innovation, is her advisor.
- James Tabony, a senior in aerospace engineering from Lake Ozark, Missouri. Dr. Hank Pernicka, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor of aerospace engineering, is his advisor.
- Madison Wieberg, a senior in environmental engineering from Warrenton, Missouri. Dr. Jianmin Wang, professor of environmental engineering, is her advisor.
Students receive a $2,000 scholarship and a $500 budget for research-related expenses each semester in the program, up to a total of two semesters. Students must be enrolled full-time and have a 3.4 grade point average while they receive funding.
Students who are interested in participating in the program should reach out to their advisor for more information and to complete an application.