CAFE seminar series begins Aug. 29

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On August 16, 2023

Participants during a CAFE workshop.

Faculty and staff learn how to use course software in the CAFE workshop titled “Tips on Teaching and Working Remotely.” Photo by Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T.

The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) kicks off a series of seminars for all instructors on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Each seminar topic will be presented twice, allowing you to choose which to attend. Seminars will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Register online for the seminars described below:

Learning Outcomes Part 1

Tuesday, Sept. 12, and Wednesday, Sept. 13, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library

In Part 1, CAFE will discuss how student learning outcomes work, and how they can be crafted to address the knowledge, skills and abilities instructors expect students to develop by the end of their courses.

Learning Outcomes Part 2

Tuesday, Sept. 26, and Wednesday, Sept. 27, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library

Part 2 will be an active learning seminar in which participants bring a draft of their student learning outcomes for review and critique by their peers. By the end of the workshop, participants should have a revised set of student learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes Part 3

Tuesday, Oct. 10, and Wednesday, Oct. 11, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

In this final session on learning outcomes, participants will finish revising their learning outcomes from the course level down to the individual lesson level.


Tuesday, Oct. 24, and Wednesday, Oct. 25, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library

To maximize the potential for all students to be successful, your course should be accessible to all students, allowing them to fully participate. CAFE will discuss the issues surrounding accessibility in course design, along with potential pitfalls.

Canvas Grading and Course Management

Tuesday, Nov. 7, and Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library

Canvas is an essential course management tool at Missouri S&T. CAFE will demonstrate how to use the grading features more effectively and give tips on efficiently managing a course in Canvas.

Digital Literacy

Tuesday, Nov. 28, and Wednesday, Nov. 29, in Room 203 of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

In this final session of the fall seminar series, CAFE will demonstrate how to use advanced tools and technology to improve your course for students, especially related to assessment. For instance, Panopto has a quiz tool that can give students a pause or reflection in the middle of a recording. Gradescope has powerful rubrics so students get meaningful feedback in a timely manner.

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On August 16, 2023. Posted in Announcements, Faculty Training