In 2021, Google set storage limits for each academic institution to 100 terabytes (TB) and began charging institutions that exceed this limit. Since all University of Missouri System campuses use Google, these contractual impacts mean changes to user services.
The primary change to the services S&T information technology (IT) offers is a new limit on each user’s Google Drive storage. Storage limits for each campus have been determined, and individual user storage limits have been applied to each account based on current usage. The current storage limit for each account has not been set below current storage levels, and the storage limits currently do not affect departmental shared Google Drives.
You can view your storage limit and storage used under the storage section in Google Drive.
For users who need to continue to use Google Drive, Docs, Apps and Forms to achieve their educational and business goals, Google services will continue to be available. However, IT does not recommend Google Drive as a backup for other systems’ files.
S&T IT asks users to reduce overall Google storage by moving any files that do not need to be in Google Drive to a Microsoft Teams drive or a Microsoft OneDrive where individuals will have 5 TB (5,000 gigabytes) of space, and then delete the files from Google. Microsoft OneDrive meets higher security standards for keeping data safe and is a long-term toolset for all UM System campuses. University-provided storage should never be used for personal, non-business files.
S&T IT thanks the campus community for its assistance in reducing the impact these changes have on the campus.
Learn more about using Microsoft OneDrive to store non-shared data.
Learn more about using Microsoft Teams to store shared data.