Do you have a start-up business idea? Want to learn more about how to pitch your vision? Team up to participate in Missouri S&T’s Start-Up Challenge and present your idea to a panel of judges with entrepreneurship experience. The top three teams will be eligible to win up to $5,000 in scholarships.
The Start-Up Challenge is open to all current S&T graduate and undergraduate students. Participants will create or join a team of two to five students and will gain access to modules to prepare for their pitch presentation. Teams can also meet with a mentor to help them perfect their pitch.
To participate, one representative of each team must attend the kickoff meeting for team sign-ups. The kickoff meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, in St. Pat’s C of the Havener Center. Register on MinerLink.
The S&T Start-Up Challenge is co-hosted and co-sponsored by career opportunities and employer relations (COER) and the Kummer Institute for Student Success, Research and Economic Development.