Pexel photo by Павел Гавриков
S&T students and high school juniors and seniors are invited to join the National Guard for tacos, trivia and helicopters 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the Army National Guard Armory located at 201 Fairgrounds Road in Rolla.
The evening will include a trivia and fitness contest with teams of four. There will be inflatable obstacle courses for the physical fitness challenge, several machine guns, night vision optics and two Black Hawk helicopters on display. The top eight fitness individuals and top two trivia teams will earn a ride on a Black Hawk helicopter on Thursday, Oct. 27. All-you-can-eat tacos for all college students as well as high school juniors and seniors.
The event is limited to the first 250 reservations. Participants must be ages 17-25 to attend and bring a photo ID.
Register by texting “RSVP,” including your name and the number of people attending, to Sgt. 1st Class Brian Beard at 573-612-8490.