The university presents benefit-eligible staff who have reached milestones in their career with a certificate honoring their contributions, beginning with 5 years of service. The following employees received milestone service recognition awards in July.
Please join the Miner community in congratulating them on this accomplishment.
5 Years of Service
- Kimberly Baker, advancement associate for advancement services
- Rodney Henderson, senior enrollment advisor the registrar
- Kurt Pritchett, supervisor for information technology.
15 Years of Service
- Joni Burch, associate director of student support services for residential life
- Gary Hawkins, manager of CSM operations for facilities services
- Melissa Hill, business technical analyst for information technology
- Joseph Jackson, associate registrar for the registrar
- Sammatha Wilcox, care manager for student support and community standards.
20 Years of Service
- Todd Sander, research specialist for materials science and engineering
- William Satterfield, senior electronics technician for chemistry
- Flora Yoebstl, stores clerk for facilities services.
25 Years of Service
- Laura Kahl, business operations associate for sponsored programs.
45 Years of Service
- Charles (Jim) Duncan, custodial/landscape services supervisor for facilities services.