Welcome back, students! Construction crews have been busy at S&T. Here is a recap of recent changes and an overview of more to come.
Walking map around the construction area.
Arrival District
You’ve probably noticed – and possibly driven in – the new roundabout on Hwy. 63. Landscaping crews will add plants to the center section of the roundabout in fall 2023, in conjunction with landscaping for the arrival court.
A new street, Tim Bradley Way, will open Wednesday, Aug. 24, and will connect U.S. Interstate 44 to campus via the roundabout once the Arrival District is complete. Tim Bradley Way replaces University Drive, which closes permanently Aug. 24.
S&T broke ground for the Innovation Lab in April. Crews are currently rerouting utilities. Construction is scheduled for completion in October 2023.
Demolition of S&T’s old power plant and substation will start in September and wrap up by January 2023.
For pedestrian safety, construction crews will fence off eight acres of the future Arrival District in September. Much of the fenced off area will reopen in August 2023.
Construction for the Welcome Center is scheduled from May 2023 to December 2024.
At this time next year, S&T will have gained a net 150 new spaces since May 2021.
S&T broke ground for a 114-space subsurface parking garage. Vehicles will enter the underground garage at an entrance/exit located south of Tim Bradley Way. Pedestrians will enter and exit the garage at an area between the Innovation Lab and Welcome Center. This project is slated for completion in August 2023.
Lot H will be expanded, with an additional 26 parking spaces added in early fall. By December, the lot will have 157 spaces.
Lot L, a new lot on Pine Street, will add 29 spaces. The lot will be completed in December.
Additional projects
Missouri S&T broke ground earlier this month for a new general services building near Fraternity Circle.
The Missouri Protoplex is in its design phase. Construction is scheduled for completion in September 2025.
General electrical utility work is underway throughout campus.
Geothermal well field drilling will begin in October and wrap up in the summer of 2023.
“It’s an exciting time for Missouri S&T, and it’s incredible to see the transformation happening to help us reach our ‘North Star’ goals,” says Fred Stone, director of design, construction and space management. “We appreciate everyone’s patience.”