The following employees joined Missouri S&T in June. Please join the Miner community in welcoming these new staff members:
- Anita Ahl, gift reconciliation and processing specialist for advancement records
- Amanda Baker, lead childcare teacher for the Child Development Center
- Matthew Baker, resident hall manager for residential life
- Brooke Bell, senior diversity admissions recruiter for admissions
- Simran Bhatia, student service coordinator for student well-being
- Matthew Carroll, maintenance service attendant for auxiliary operations
- Elizabeth Christal, student service coordinator for student life administration
- Norma-Gene Cottrell, academic advisor for electrical and computer engineering
- Jennifer Cunningham, academic advisor for mechanical and aerospace engineering
- Kaylie Dean, office support assistant for civil, architectural and environmental engineering
- Elizabeth Dodd, physician for student health services
- Owen Jordan, assistant football coach for athletics and recreation
- Emma Lowe, associate director for doctoral recruitment for international admissions
- LaChel May, senior assistant director of financial aid and outreach for student financial assistance
- Daniel Murphy, head men’s swimming coach for athletics and recreation
- Stanley Queen, senior environmental health technician for environmental health and safety
- Mary Scrivens, environmental health professional for chemistry
- Angie Wise, Kansas City regional senior admissions counselor for admissions.
The following employees transferred in June:
- Mark Adams, custodian for residential life
- Fayte Ford, lead childcare teacher for the Child Development Center
- Lisa Happel, senior environmental health for environmental health and safety
- Gary Hawkins, manager of CSM operations for facilities operations
- Amy McMillen, academic advising director for the S&T Advising Center
- Chana Moreland, business operations associate for the Student Design and Experiential Learning Center
- Jeremy Scantlin, network engineer for infrastructure
- Austin Sigler, senior scientist for the Center for Research in Energy and the Environment
- Autumn Skyles, lead childcare teacher for the Child Development Center.