Dr. Yue-Wern Huang, professor of biological sciences, was invited to visit the College of Science of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) on June 16-17 to give a scientific presentation as well as interact with faculty and students for possible graduate studies and research collaboration at Missouri S&T.
Huang, a 1974 alumnus of NTNU, gave a seminar titled, “Bioaerosol Detection to Electronic Cigarette Smoke: It is all about Particles.” During the trip, Huang held two graduate study forums with faculty and students, he encouraged NTNU students to study overseas and faculty members to come to Rolla to visit our faculty to build novel research initiatives. During the visit, he was accompanied by Dean Kunming Chen and Associate Dean Hsiu-Mei Hsieh on a tour of NTNU’s facilities in chemistry and physics. At the end of the visit, Dean Guanqun Li of the School of Life Sciences presented Professor Huang with a certificate of gratitude for his long-term support of NTNU’s faculty and students.